I was already born as an astroenthusiast. It was in March 1997 when one of the most magnificent comets of the last century, Hale-Bopp, brightened the sky. But after my great arrival, no kings came to me to worship ...
I looked into the world of astronomy a few years later. At first I was interested in physics, how it works, why this and that is happening, later I observed a partial solar eclipse, and I liked it. I started searching for other astro events that of course I couldn't miss. I even bought a notebook where I proudly described my new astro adventures. There were exciting observations of meteor showers, conjunctions, lunar eclipses. With growing enthusiasm I wanted to see more. I got a binoculars and a small telescope. A new door opened to me where I could see objects not seen by the naked eye such as planets, bright comets, asteroids, sunspots and many more. The notebook was fuller and I was more enthusiastic. Words were not enough to describe my observations, so I decided to take a pictures of them. Now you are here on this page so I can share these indescribable beauties with you.
Fotky talentovaného Žilinčana ohúrili celý internet. Stále máme byť na čo hrdí!
Poézia astrofotografie Pavla Kostolného.
Fotenie nočnej oblohy podporuje jeho talent.
My current photographic equipment
Contact Me
+421 918 274 770